Filming Blog: Filming Half the Scenes
In this filming day, I've filmed half of the scenes as illustrated in my storyboard. So I was able to get 30 seconds of footage done. Each scene lasted five seconds, so I was able to get six scenes done. Every two scenes are correlated with each other. For the first scene, it was for when the character is sleeping peacefully. To prep for this scene, I had to clear my bed of extra pillow and blankets. I then narrowed down the props for the sleeping scene: my purple baroque pattern pillow and yellow blanket. Since I was the only actress to be in the music video, I had to get my brother to film for me. Before we started even filming, I had to photograph the composition that I wanted to achieve, then I would show my brother what the composition would look like, so he could replicate the shot when filming. For example, I photographed him for the sleeping scene and he would then replicate the composition when filming. For the second scene, the character was still in bed; however, she was