Title Research: Art of the Title Website

In this research, I was looking at the website called the 'Art of the Title.' The purpose of this research is to see the importance of title design and title sequences. I've watch some popular title sequences that gained recognition for its visuals. Upon seeing many videos of title sequences I've come to some conclusions. I learned how fonts in title design could drastically change the mood and feeling regarding a film. With this, I realized that title design involves deliberate processes: designers constantly think how thick, how curved, how sharp, how soft the letters will look. These designs will ultimately dictate how the rhetoric will be established for a film. Also, title sequences are crucial as well. Not only does it establish tone, but it's essentially the 'hook' of the film, and keep audiences interested in what they're seeing. They also can introduce visual clues of the storyline, the characters in the film, and the theme of the story. Title sequences essentially dictates how the movie will be perceived by audiences.


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