Starting the Final Task

 Hello! If you'd forgotten already, my name is Mariel Ilagan. It's been while since I've last filmed, but now, I'm ready to get back on track to create. As of now, I'm starting the final project for this class! I'm ecstatic for what's coming in the future in my endeavor for making the start of a short film or movie. I have many ideas for this short clip of a movie that I'm creating, and I'm excited to see how it will materialize or unravel. 

For this project, I'm going to be working alone doing this final task. I've chosen to work by myself, as I feel that I have more autonomy over my schedule and the work itself. I feel that I would have more control in this project if I work by myself, and I will able to reach many potentials or milestones if I work alone.  


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