Genre Research: Deciding To Do the Horror Genre

I decided to pick the horror genre to execute my pitch: A girl in quarantine working on a last minute assignment suddenly drifts to sleep and experiences a nightmare. Based on the research for multiple genres, I ultimately wanted to do the horror genre as it fits my creative vision for this opening sequence. Many elements of horror, the anxiety and ominous tones, is something I would like to recreate in my film. From my research, I don't think I can really capture the essence of a thriller or a comedy given my lack of vision to execute their elements into the opening sequence of my film. 

For the opening sequence of my film, I wanted to capture the anxiety of doing a last minute assignment, and create metaphors in which the character is presented when dreaming. For example, I imagine a scene in where the character is in the middle of the nightmare, and gets attacked or even killed by a person, who can represent dwindling time. The anxiety surrounding time and how it can effect your body can have detrimental consequences to your mental health. If one were to experience anxiety, it can feel as if you're walking through a nightmare in your own mind. With the horror genre, I think this can easily convey such moods and sentiments. The elements of horror has a lot to do with adrenaline and elicit anxiety for the viewer. In my opening sequence, I want the audience to empathize and feel such sentiments when watching, so I think executing the horror genre in my film could capture that essence.


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