Genre Research: A Quiet Place

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

I liked the use of ambient diegetic sounds in this film. It gives an added level of suspense and anxiety surrounding the character. The character's purpose is to not talk at all, as there's monstrous aliens that hunts people bas on sound. However, the ambient sound also just gives a sense of suspense, since the silence can feel like a detrimental experience to viewers. As the viewer is deprived of speaking, an essential tool for most humans, the viewing experience can feel more anxious. As an audience member my sight of seeing and hearing feels more heightened as I'm relying on the character's expressions and visual & auditory puzzles to fins out what's happening in the scene. I would like to replicate this kind of viewing experience to the audience, as they'll be more attentive to visual details. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?

I liked the adrenaline rush added to the viewing experience of the movie. The prospect of each of the characters dying is dependent on them making any sound, as there's hypersensitive hearing monsters that will kill instantaneously in a sound of a whisper. This increases the anxiety levels of the audience, but pulls them more in watching the movie, because they wouldn't know what will happen next or if the characters will make a sound. For example, there's a scene in which a mother was giving birth and trying her hardest to not make a sound, despite the pain she was feeling. This gives an added level of tension surrounding this scene, as the prospect of her getting hunted upon is utterly slim. The suspense level of the movie are out of this world, which makes the viewing experience enjoyable but terrifying at the same time. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?

Only one element bothered me throughout the viewing experience. Low-key lighting is heavily used throughout the film, and it can be dramatically dark. As an audience member, I sometimes can't see what's happening in the film; and with a film like this, dialogue will give us no context, as no one is supposed to talk, so the visual images are essential for audience to figure out what's happening.


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