Genre Research: Comedy


For the start of my final task, I'm researching various genres in order to decide what genre I will assign my short film to be. From the beginning of the year, way before even starting this project, I researched the genre of comedy. In this powerpoint slide, I complied common conventions that tend to appear in comedy films. The following conventions includes camera movements, lighting, editing, transitions, sounds, mise en scene, etc.  Additionally, I researched the prime elements, examples of film, and my likes & dislikes regarding the genre of comedy. I will also be studying 2 additional genres for my final task to broaden my scope of vision of what my short film will be. The purpose of this research is to see what my following options are to execute my creative vision for my final task, and use it as a guideline to effectively convey the tone and rhetoric pertaining to the genre I will pick. 


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